Gray Granite Products

Offering Flat, Bevel, Slant Markers & Upright Headstones.

Many standard sizes available | Inquiry for custom sizes

We offer over 50 different symbols and multiple border options. Simply click on the desired size and design below to begin designing. Our prices include shipping & tax for orders shipping within the Contiguous USA.

Our flat grave markers are made from 100% premium natural stone, engraved with quality & care. Quarried in Barre, VT.

16in x 8in x 3in

Tip: Flat Markers are also known as flush markers, grass-level markers, lawn-level markers or flat gravestones.

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20in x 10in x 3in

Tip: Flat Markers are also known as flush markers, grass-level markers, lawn-level markers or flat gravestones.

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24in x 12in x 4in - Single & Companion

Single Grave Markers

Tip: Flat Markers are also known as flush markers, grass-level markers, lawn-level markers or flat gravestones.

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Companion Grave Markers

Tip: Companion markers are also known as double flat markers, double flat gravestones.

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28in x 16in x 3in - Single & Companion

Does your cemetery require a 4in thick stone? Let us know and we can provide you with a quote.

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Bevel (Pillow) Grave Markers

Slant Headstones

Upright Headstone Memorials

Tip: Upright Headstones are also known as tombstones, upright monument or memorial.

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Memorial Bench - Single & Companion

headstones usa, crafted to honor your loved ones legacy with an affordable grave marker.

Looking for a custom size or have a question?

We specialize in flat headstone markers from either grey granite or white marble. Let us know if you need a special size or design.

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